Our time-saving software Print Conductor gets a major update! We've been head down for more than eight months working hard to finish this upgrade – with a new graphical interface, smarter processing core, new formats, and new capabilities.

What’s new in Print Conductor 7.0
Renewed interface
We've re-built the program's interface, and now it is based on a new framework. Print Conductor now looks more polished and offers new controls. The settings menu has been redesigned too. Our customers who got early access to the latest version, say they enjoy the new aesthetic design changes which make the program look smoother and more professional looking.
Smarter processing core
Print Conductor has got more flexible and intelligent. Thanks to new algorithms, now it analyzes the structure and type of source files in order to print them via the most appropriate print engine. I.e., your plain texts will be printed quickly in the most straightforward way, and images or high-DPI CAD drawings will get higher print quality.
Printing multiple pages per sheet (N-up printing)
Now there's a new way to batch print! Print two or any other number of pages on a single sheet of paper. The ability to print multiple pages on one page can be a great paper saver. With it, you can specify the number of pages on a sheet of paper, add pagination, and define gaps between them.
Faster printing of Microsoft Word and Adobe PDF files
Print Conductor's processing core got many performance improvements. According to our tests on a mid-range PC, Word DOC, DOCX, and PDF files are now processed at least twice faster (compared to Print Conductor 6.3).
New easy-to-use Advanced settings tab
We didn't like how advanced settings were organized – they had to be modified via the INI file editor. Sometimes it wasn't easy, because a user had to type certain values manually. Now all the advanced settings are changed via the new very intuitive Advanced settings tab.
Besides, users of the latest version 7.0 can find new useful how-to guides at How To section of Print Conductor's official website.
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