fCoder Group Inc., the company that prides itself for producing virtual printer software products that are currently used the world over in the conversion of documents, drawings and presentations to PDF, JPG, TIFF, PNG, PCX, DCX, GIF and Bitmap files is releasing an updated version of the Universal Document Converter.
The new version has improved capabilities that include compatibility with Microsoft Windows 10 and Microsoft Office 2016, and has installed within it special toolbars that allows the user to directly export active documents from Microsoft Word, Excel or Powerpoint to PDF, JPG, etc.
For improved efficiency of Universal Document Converter 6.6, fCoder Group Inc. is also availing other support programs that include a Print Conductor, which assists in conversions of documents, 2Printer, which can be used to automate document printing and FolderMill that minimises software-human interaction during document conversion. With these enhancements, the software offers minimal human involvement which translates to reduced chances of committing errors.
For more information about licensing and availability, visit www.print-driver.com/order or www.print-driver.com/support in case you are in need of it for a non-profit or educational use. Alternatively, an evaluation version is also available at www.print-driver.com/download for free.